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How to break up with Facebook & host a connected community on your own website.

how to break up with Facebook & host a connected community on your website Facebook is a wonderful world of new opportunities, new exposure and has a unique way of infiltrating our daily lives to deliver communication. But how secure is this virtual world that many of us are building our online empires on? How […]

What are SEO Keywords & how do they work?

What are SEO Keywords & how do you use them? Here’s the answers to the questions we get asked most about Keywords… 1. What are Keywords? These are the words or phrases people type into Google when they want to find someone who does what you do. By adding these keywords to your website, you’re […]

Blogging for SEO Sistas in Success

Blogging For SEO

How to get a website on the first page of Google. AKA – How to make Google love the shit outta your website! The world of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Domination can be daunting to most business owners! You know you need to get your website showing on the first page of Google to be […]

Get Shit Done in 2021 with Sistas in Success

Get Shit Done in 2021 – What’s First?

Let’s all stop rooting around and actually Get Shit Done in 2021!! And yes, that includes us!  Me (Stef) & Caity are getting out of our own way and getting shit sorted so we can ALL have a fanfckntabulous year! So with that in mind, let’s get crackin… We’ve decided this year the best way […]

Get Found in Google - Google Maps Business Listings & Monthly SEO

3 Step Lockdown Survival Plan PART TWO

Get Found in Google – Google Maps Business Listings & Monthly SEO   Welcome to Part Two of our 3 Step Lockdown Survival Plan. Customers are searching for local businesses before contacting them to double check their opening hours, Covid Safe Plans and in some cases whether the business has survived 2020.  Let’s make sure […]

3 Step Lockdown Survival Plan PART ONE

Connect with your Customers Online through Online Stores & Coaching / Training Portals Through these series, we’re going to show you how you can use lockdowns to your business advantage.  And to get you on your fabulous way – we’ve put together some very special offers sweetie! Welcome to Part One of our 3 Step […]

What are Business Assets & why do they need protecting?

I see quite a few posts in Facebook groups about Instagram accounts being hacked or deleted! What a gastly way to start the day :-O I’d be gutted … sitting in the corner rocking back & forth, doing that ugly face howling thing! Don’t even reckon bubbles would console me 😱 … if you’ve ever […]

Which website builder is best and why?

Which website builder is best and why? I see this question every single day in Facebook Groups! With so many options, it’s so hard to know which is best and WHY! So here’s our take on it… There’s a pretty big selection of Website Builders available to businesses now. They all promise ease of use […]

Killin It For Local Businesses With SEO - Fence Supplies Caboolture

How Awesome Are We? We’re Killin It For Local Businesses With SEO

Fence World When Fence World were looking for more business, they came to us to put together a strategy to get more clients for their fencing supplies and fence building business. We think the results speak for themselves… Keyword: Fence Supplies Caboolture Keyword: Fence Supplies Caboolture

Sistas in Success - Without the Bullshit

The planets messing with my head AND my business … and making everyone CRAZY!!

The other day I had a mini melt down… a real girly girl melt down … great heaving sobs, shoulders got involved, tears everywhere, mascara on my guys shirt, ugly crying face … you get the picture! I wasn’t even game to have a wine … like wtf?? An hour later I jumped on facebook […]

Is Google Warning Visitors That Your Website Is Not Secure?

Google has made some really REALLY important and critical changes that will affect your website. This is huge … really HUGE!  And we welcome this change as it will make your website even better! So basically, Google is now going to send visitors a big warning that your website is not secure if it doesn’t […]

East Coast Frames & Trusses

East Coast Frames & Trusses

When East Coast Frames & Trusses asked us to create a new website for them it was an exciting challenge for a bunch of women! But as the owner of East Coast Frames & Trusses is an amazing young women with a great vision and awesome drive, it made the project so much funner!! We’re […]

Sistas in Succes - Supporting Each Other Without the Bullshit

25 Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress To Run Your Business Website

If you’re like most business owners you fall into one of two groups: A) You know you need a website, but you just haven’t had the time or money to make it happen, or B) You have a website, but you know it’s not what it should be and you’re always making excuses for it. […]

Janiva Digital Marketing New Website by Sistas in Success

Janiva Digital Marketing – Another Sistas in Success Masterpiece

Well the Janiva Digital Marketing website was an absolute delight to create. Starting with one fabulous image and the rest all just fell into place .. .we love it. Anita from Janiva Digital Marketing was so pleased she was doing a happy dance! The site looks awesome! I’m so freaking happy with this site!!!!! I’m […]

The Grooming Salon New Website by Sistas in Success

The Grooming Salon – Another Sistas in Success Masterpiece

We were asked to help The Grooming Salon in Brisbane move from a restrictive site builder platform to WordPress – great move I say hehe. The trick was to keep their site looking like their existing one (’cause they still loved it <3 ) – but updating it to be modern and more functional. Personally […]

Fit & Fab Women’s Getaway – Another Sistas in Success Masterpiece

Oooh it’s so exciting when we get to launch another Sisters in Success masterpiece! Fit & Fab Women’s Getaway gave us the opportunity to work with some super funky bright colours … and we loved it!  

Sistas in Succes - Supporting Each Other Without the Bullshit

Your Website Is The Base For All Your Online Marketing – Or It Should Be!

So you’ve got business Facebook & Instagram pages with over 5,000 likes & people following you – that’s awesome … but is it enough? I’ve got a question for you …. “Do you own Facebook or Instagram?”  I wish right? So if Mark Zuckerberg woke up tomorrow and decided that business pages were no longer […]

Don’t Get Caught by an Invitation To Register Domain – Fake Domain Renewal Letters Can Cost You

Don’t Get Caught by an Invitation To Register Domain – Fake Domain Renewal Letters Can Cost You

I’d say at least once a month I get a call from a client asking about what looks like an invoice for domain name renewal that they received in the mail. I just had another call from a client this morning asking if she should pay this … the answer is a resounding NO!! The […]

Sistas in Success – Without the Bullshit Website Design & Development Digital Marketing Strategies

Stock or Un-Stock Photos – That Is The Question

I guess we all know what Stock Photos are – but what are Un-Stock Photos? Un-Stock photos look more casual and natural. .. not those cheesy head-slapping, bad facial expression type pics that we see all the time now. If you’re looking for something different, try these (in no particular order) … FREE Un-Stock Photo […]

How To Get Your Business Found On Google Maps & Google Business

Get Your Business Found On Google Maps & Google Business

Did you know that 97% of consumers look for local services and goods online? And only 37% of businesses have claimed a local business listing on a search engine. Google Maps makes it much easier for anyone to find their way to your door, but more and more customers are looking at online search results that show […]

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